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Particular attention is paid to reading in school and children work hard to improve reading skills and to make reading a life long pleasure. Children will regularly bring home a book from the various reading schemes we use in school and we would ask you to listen to your child read as often as possible and talk to them about what they have read. We find that sustained parental support at home is one of the most vital factors in improving children’s reading.


It is also helpful to encourage your child to write and draw at home. We would ask that you only use lower case letters and not capital letters, except at the start of their names, as children can become easily confused. As we work in topics your child may at times ask for your help in finding information or items to bring into school. Any encouragement you can give is of great benefit to your child’s school work.

Assisting your child’s education

Parents may find the following suggestions useful when assisting with your child’s education:

  • Talk to your child
  • Be patient when they ask questions
  • Hear them read for a few minutes each evening and read to them
  • Encourage good habits of eating and of going to bed
  • Take them on visits to parks, theatres, libraries, museums and places of interest
  • Make sure they have adequate books, drawing paper, pencils, crayons and felt-tips
  • Let them help you with jobs in and around the home
  • Help them to develop good habits of punctuality and reliability.

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Contact Us

Postal Address

Loatlands Primary School,
Harrington Road,
NN14 2NJ

Telephone: 01536 903713


Key Contacts:

Headteacher: Mrs A Willis

Deputy Headteacher: Miss J Heald

Assistant Headteacher:  Mrs R Robinson

Chair of Governors:  Mr B Kennedy

Business Manager : Mrs G Seakens

Family Support Worker: Mrs K Davidson

Administrator: Mrs L Biddlecombe

Clerical Assistant: Mrs K Kershaw



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